Target Audience

Description of Target Audience

The target audience are for members of the community who live in Fish Haven, Preston, and Soda Springs. The site will serve mainly adults who are accessing the website either on their smart phone or a computer desktop. They will be looking up information in regards to the weather for the area and also for highlights of local news in their town. Most of the users will be of middle-class socioeconomic status. Most will be married with children but there are also single adults and divorced adults will be accessing the website as well. Most of the users will have at least some college educational experience.


Persona #1 Resident of Fish Haven

Fictional Name: Mark Williams

Job: White Collar Worker

Demographics: 42 years old, father of 3, married, has bachelor's degree in business

Goals: Work hard to provide for family. When not at work likes to have fun with his family, especially boating at Bear Lake.

Environment: Comfortable using a computer and is on the internet often for work and after work. Also is an active user of his smart phone.

Quote: "Is the weather going to be nice this weekend for boating?"

Persona #2 Resident of Soda Springs

Fictional Name: Sarah Jones

Job: Registered Nurse

Demographics: 34 years old, married, mother of two, has bachelor's of science in nursing

Goals: When not working as a nurse at Caribou Memorial Hospital she enjoys going on hikes with her family, taking her two boys to the park, and going camping

Environment: Comfortable using a computer and is on the internet for a few hours each day mostly on her iPhone.

Quote: "What's the weather going to be like tomorrow for the boys' little league game?"
